Anna Rodriguez


Positions & Titles:

  • Resident

Hometown: Bettendorf, IA
Medical School: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
My medical interests and career direction are: Unknown! Looking forward to figuring it outduring residency!
My hobbies are: Video games, casual hiking, binge watching TV shows, going to the movies (I have a book of all the movie ticket stubs I've been to since 2008!)
My favorite activity in the Twin Cities is: I just moved here, but so far I've enjoyed being able to go out to a lake and some parks! Also, the street art festivals have been a blast! Being able to hang out with friends and go out to eat is also high on the list.
Why did you choose the UofM Peds Residency Program? What sold me on U of M was the residents. During the interview social hour, even though it was virtual, I really felt like they were people I could connect with and enjoy spending time with.
What's something that you're #umnpedsproud of? As an intern, I'm proud that I've been able to keep my head above water so far! I've already been able to connect with some patients and families, and it makes it all worth it!
Any additional information you'd like to share about yourself? I went to the University of Iowa for undergrad! Go Hawks! Also always willing to hear movie/TV suggestions! I love fantasy/adventure/sci-fi vibes.

Anna Rodriguez